Virtual Lab Tour

Welcome to our lab! Let us show you around the tools that we use in our daily research work. Further information about the tools can be found here.

One of our core tools is high resolution 3D printing using photolithography. Here you can see Stephanie operating our desktop UV printer based on the Digital Light Processor technology from the Austrian Startup way2production.

When approaching the aromatic scale, Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is an indispensable tool. We build our own ALD tools customized for certain types of materials or in situ characterization tools. Here is Abdulla in front of his home-built in situ ALD tool that allows characterization inside a synchrotron or standard spectroscopy tool such as an FTIR.

Stephanie in front of a test station for an in situ ALD reactor for Transmission Electron Microscopy studies.

Abdulla in front of our glove box from MBraun.

A home-built ALD tool for demanding films such as perovskites.

Our spectroscopic ellipsometer from Woollam for measuring the thickness of our deposited films.

A chemical polishing unit from Alpsitec. This system is a prototype from the company with state of the art capabilities and excellent repeatability.

Our lab has 100 m2 of space with various fume hoods, work benches, a cleanroom classification of ISO 8, O2, N2, H2 and H2S process gases as well as a lithography area, where the 3D printers are located. Contact us, if you want to take a tour.